Many Reasons Why Church Leaders Are Interested

in this Coptic Academy Program!

Make Powerful Educational Programs Available in Your Church!

Attract the best talents among the Coptic youths to teach your kids!

Organize dedicated and reliable spiritual leaders to design  the best educational programs for your kids.

Small and large churches can benefit from discovering talents in your community or attracting additional help from beyond your area!

Tap into youths energy to work on something important, or to find missionary work throughout the year.

No More Complaints About Lack of Servants!

Can you imagine that there could be a day when your church program have so many helpers to the point that your problem becomes how to put them all to work in the service?

Definitely a great problem to have! Coordinators and program directors would take this problem any day!

Contact Coptic Academy to put together a program that potentially have you suffer from this problem!

If program is designed well, it brings in both quality and quantity of servants that’s appropriate to provide a strong educational program for your church.

Invest in Next Generation of Servant Leaders & Shepherds!

At Coptic Academy, we believe that investing in our youths and next generation of servant leaders and shepherds takes priority over any other investments.

It’s at the core of the Church mission.

Looking at education budgets within your church compared to buildings and construction expenditures would tell a lot about priorities. Some time buildings and construction are easier to fund because results are obvious.

With this Service Scholarship program, there’s no more obvious benefits to invest in the next generation of shepherds, while having strong programs for your kids and community.

How it Works?
Decide what program you'd like to strengthen with high quality and quantity help
Contact Coptic Academy to design a scholarship program customized to your need
Select servants for your program from a pool of great applicants
Run a strong program for your kids with great talents and reliable committed servants