Coptic Academy is a non-for-profit organization
At Coptic Academy, our goal is to transform
Christian Education at home and at church for families
all over the world!

No Substitute For a Spiritual Teacher
Education quality is always as good as the quality of the teacher!
In Christian education there is no substitute for a spiritual role model, leading by example not only by words, teaching with the authority of the Holy Spirit.
Our precious faith is handed down from generation to generation through continuous links of discipleship. Based on this principle, at Coptic Academy we focus on providing the utmost support for the spiritual servants/mentor/teacher, encouraging discipleship both in communal and 1:1 setup.

Key Ingredient of Coptic Academy Philosophy
Focusing on having a heavenly Liturgical experience at church and authentic spiritual tradition at home.
Our early fathers have put together a rich set of readings, daily/weekly/monthly/annual cycles throughout the calendar year. Making up what would be known today as a Sunday School curriculum. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, our fathers have outlined an Ecclesiastical calendar (church seasons) to nurture our spiritual life.
Our church programs need to put our fathers’ traditions on the lightstand, unlocking this ancient treasure. A proven system to raise saints!
We are a group of Coptic Orthodox Church members (among us are clergies, deacons, elders, youths, men and women), joining Coptic Academy with common views:
(1) Our profound admiration to the Coptic Orthodox Church, the church that was entrusted to educate the world about Christianity from the beginning. And we believe God has a purpose for her to preserve the precious faith to the end.
(2) Our deep concerns about the future of Christian education (Sunday School programs, hymns classes, education at home, …)